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Month: January 2025

January is the Cruelest Month

For my money, T.S. Eliot had it wrong – January is the cruelest month. The warmth and light of the holidays are a rapidly-receding memory, the days are cold and the nights are long and summer couldn’t seem further away. And it’s so damn loooooong.

January, for me, has always been a time to hunker down and hibernate. Undertake as few obligations as possible (and absolutely no New Year’s resolutions), keep warm and curl up with as many books as possible. Lie fallow.

That’s exactly what I’ve been doing. I sure haven’t been doing a lot of writing. I somewhat painted myself into a corner with the balls to the wall writing blitzkrieg of NaNoWritMo, and have just been kicking around ideas how to resolve my plotting conundrum.

Also, I’ve been building a model tank. This is research – more on this once I’m done putting this blasted model together.

That’s it. Stay warm, stay safe, hold onto your hat and hold onto your hope.